Bokashi One Compost Mix
You’re loving the Kitchen Compost, let’s keep it going with more Bokashi One Compost Mix!
The new system of hassle-free easy composting, which will utilize your food scraps for plant feed!
- Sprinkle mixture evenly over every layer of waste in the bucket
- Repeat process until bucket is full
- Regularly drain the Bokashi juice produced using tap
- Dilute juice to use for natural garden fertilization
- Once the bucket is full, bury waste in the garden for rapid breakdown, adding nutrients and life to the soil.
Comes in a 1kg bag!
- Micro-Organisms
- Wheat Bran
- Rice Hulls
- Molasses
Please note: Mix contains living micro-organisms. Ensure contents are kept dry in a sealed bag or airtight container.
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